BLAST! Invite to Ignite website and application launches

Mokono Custom Software, MarketMSO, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Exciting news for the team at #Young Living – the new ticket purchasing website BLASTi2i is live and scheduling events across the US and Canada!  The Sparks Solution created a completely new website for this up and coming training conference service that includes:

  • static information on upcoming events, venues and speakers
  • video testimonials
  • e-commerce (making purchases online) capabilities
  • administrative capabilities to track, attendance, sales, profit/loss
  • payment processing solutions and support
  • responsive web design (ease of use on mobile devices)

BLAST-Invite to Ignite
Check out the new BLAST! website and if you have ever thought about selling your goods or services on your website, but thought it was too hard or too expensive, contact The Sparks Solution for help exploring cost effective solutions.

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