The Sparks Solution

What DO you do?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, MarketMSO, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution is a technology solutions company, but what does that mean?  We develop creative, right-sized technology solutions based on your style, budget and goals. A few of our more common services are described below. Hosting Packages Web hosting services allow you to make your website accessible via the internet. The Sparks Solutions provides our hosting clients access to our …

The Sparks Solution Web Design

Who Needs a Website?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

As simple as it may seem, the question “Why does your business need a website?” often stumps business owners we consult with.  While its become expected for ‘real’ businesses to have a website, is that enough of a reason to have one?  And while that expectation factors into the need for the website, more important is what does the business owner …

The Sparks Solution WWDC

Winning the Nerd Lottery – WWDC 2015

Mokono Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Every year, Apple holds a lottery to randomly select attendees to its WorldWide Developers Conference (WWDC).  This year, The Sparks Solution won one of the highly coveted tickets.  The 2015 WWDC was held June 8-12 in San Francisco and The Sparks Solution was there. The conference opened with Tim Cook giving the keynote address and talking about what’s coming next with Apple. …

What Does Your Business Need?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution can help your business with many of your technology needs.  We develop right-sized, scalable solutions for your business’ needs based on your style, budget and goals. Our focus is to provide you what you a solution that not only gives you what you need now, but can also be built on as your business changes.  Following are descriptions of …

Getting results from SEO & social media campaigns

Mokono Custom Software, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Whether its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or a social media campaign, sometimes it can be hard to tell when you have the right mix of frequency and content to meet your goals.  That’s why its important to start with a baseline of online traffic to your website prior to starting either type of campaign.  You have to understand where you are …

MarketMSO – Blog Training

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, MarketMSO, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

All MarketMSO clients are invited to join team members from The Sparks Solution’s product development team from 6pm – 7pm (CT) Thursday, May 21st for our first live online training class. The first class will demonstrate how to use Market MSO blogging functionality.  We will review creating a blog using: Images within the blog Featured images Different fonts and text styles Bullets …

The Golden Ticket

Mokono Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Technology Solutions Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution received notice Friday that we received one of the coveted tickets to Apple’s 2015 World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco.  This conference is Apple’s week long showcase of its latest technology and designs where we will get hands on interaction directly with Apple’s designers and engineers. We are already making our list of must attend sessions …

MarketMSO – Online Network Marketing Made Easier

Mokono Custom Software, MarketMSO, Technology Solutions Leave a Comment

With fulfillment of the pre-sale orders completing later this week, The Sparks Solution will open MarketMSO enrollment to everyone.  MarketMSO, (Market My Stuff Online) is a marketing focused web application The  Sparks Solution created to support the local #YoungLiving sharing network that can be used by any network marketing group. The Sparks Solution staff has worked very closely with key local independent distributers over …

A little more about some of our services

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Technology Solutions Leave a Comment

A few of the core services we offer are described below.  We specialize in developing creative, right-sized solutions for your business’ needs based on your style, budget and goals.  Even if you just aren’t sure if its something that The Sparks Solution typically handles, contact us and we can talk through options.  Chances are if its not something we handle directly, we …