The Sparks Solution

What DO you do?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, MarketMSO, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution is a technology solutions company, but what does that mean?  We develop creative, right-sized technology solutions based on your style, budget and goals. A few of our more common services are described below. Hosting Packages Web hosting services allow you to make your website accessible via the internet. The Sparks Solutions provides our hosting clients access to our …

The Sparks Solution Web Design

Who Needs a Website?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

As simple as it may seem, the question “Why does your business need a website?” often stumps business owners we consult with.  While its become expected for ‘real’ businesses to have a website, is that enough of a reason to have one?  And while that expectation factors into the need for the website, more important is what does the business owner …

The Sparks Solution WWDC

Winning the Nerd Lottery – WWDC 2015

Mokono Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Every year, Apple holds a lottery to randomly select attendees to its WorldWide Developers Conference (WWDC).  This year, The Sparks Solution won one of the highly coveted tickets.  The 2015 WWDC was held June 8-12 in San Francisco and The Sparks Solution was there. The conference opened with Tim Cook giving the keynote address and talking about what’s coming next with Apple. …

Is Your Website Missing Something?

Mokono Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

What do your customers to do when they are on your website that makes you consider their visit a success?  This seems like a simple question, but few of us stop to think about it anymore – why does my business need a website? There’s a big difference between wanting a website that directs traffic to a brick and mortar location …

Writers for Hire

Mokono Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Why would your business pay to have someone at The Sparks Solution create written content including static website content, blog and social media posts? I mean, anyone can write, right? There’s a couple of benefits to having someone else create your written content: Time.  Let’s face it, creating easy-to-read, relevant content is a skill and if you are out of practice, …

What Does Your Business Need?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution can help your business with many of your technology needs.  We develop right-sized, scalable solutions for your business’ needs based on your style, budget and goals. Our focus is to provide you what you a solution that not only gives you what you need now, but can also be built on as your business changes.  Following are descriptions of …