All MarketMSO clients are invited to join team members from The Sparks Solution’s product development team from 6pm – 7pm (CT) Thursday, May 21st for our first live online training class.
The first class will demonstrate how to use Market MSO blogging functionality. We will review creating a blog using:
- Images within the blog
- Featured images
- Different fonts and text styles
- Bullets and numbering
- SEO – tags, categories and keywords
Information and directions on how to join the meeting can be found here: Facebook Event
For quick overview of the non-technical side of blogging, checkout The Sparks Solution post: So you want to be a blogger?
After the presentation we’ll stay online to answer any MarketMSO questions you have. Classes will be recorded and posted on the MarketMSO site if you are unable to join us live.
We are looking for feedback on timing of the classes as we plan to have these training sessions regularly going forward.