So you want to be a blogger?

Mokono MarketMSO, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

  • Website with blogging functionality…Check.
  • Thousands of ideas to share…Check.
  • Time set aside to write…Check.

Now what?
Nothing can feel more daunting than sitting down to an empty screen page and thinking “OMG – where do I start?!” Question Marks Over Man Showing Confusion And Uncertainty Here’s some helpful hints/words of wisdom/hard fought lessons learned to keep in mind as you start your blog.
What should your write about?  Think about what questions your audience asks most often or topics that seem to engage them the most easily.  Start there.  Make sure you ask for feedback and always listen to what your audience says/doesn’t say.  Let their needs guide your content.
Other content tips:

  • Make sure the content is concise – don’t ramble and don’t rant.  Your blog should take 2-3 minutes to read.
  • Content should be value add – share your knowledge openly and honestly
  • Write as you would speak – it will be easier for you and the genuineness will resonate with your audience
  • Post at least once a week – create a calendar for yourself and stick to it
  • Create a catchy title – make sure your content lives up to the title
  • Use pictures, headers and bullet points whenever possible to make your content easier to read
  • Feeling creative? Create a recorded version of your blog – instant podcast!

Email Button For Emailing And Internet CommunicationActively build your email network. Build a direct connection to your audience using email.  Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. are great ways that people may see your blog, but delivering a message directly to their inbox via email means they will definitely see your content.  Make sure that your blog inspires them to do something (a “call to action”) like sign up for your email list or “Like us on Facebook”.
Finally, make sure you are taking advantage of any SEO (Search Engine Optimization) functionality to help with your site’s search engine rankings.
What other tips or tricks have you found useful for new bloggers?

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