The Sparks Solution WWDC

Winning the Nerd Lottery – WWDC 2015

Mokono Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

Every year, Apple holds a lottery to randomly select attendees to its WorldWide Developers Conference (WWDC).  This year, The Sparks Solution won one of the highly coveted tickets.  The 2015 WWDC was held June 8-12 in San Francisco and The Sparks Solution was there. The conference opened with Tim Cook giving the keynote address and talking about what’s coming next with Apple. …

The Golden Ticket

Mokono Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Technology Solutions Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution received notice Friday that we received one of the coveted tickets to Apple’s 2015 World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco.  This conference is Apple’s week long showcase of its latest technology and designs where we will get hands on interaction directly with Apple’s designers and engineers. We are already making our list of must attend sessions …