What Does Your Business Need?

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Mobile Apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution can help your business with many of your technology needs.  We develop right-sized, scalable solutions for your business’ needs based on your style, budget and goals. Our focus is to provide you what you a solution that not only gives you what you need now, but can also be built on as your business changes.  Following are descriptions of some of the more common services we offer.

Design On Smartphone Shows Mobile Designing And ArtworkWebsite Design:

Getting a new or updated website doesn’t have to break your budget. We offer scaleable design solutions that will grow and change as your business does. We include the following considerations in our all of website designs:

  • UI/UX design (how easy it is for your customers to use the site)
  • Website Optimization (what you want your customers to do as a result of seeing your website – the call to action)
  • Responsive web design (the site looks and performs well on mobile devices)
  • Professional e-mail addresses (think cjsparks123@gmail.com versus CJSparks@TheSparksSolution.com)
  • Social Media Marketing (using Facebook, Twitter, etc. to reach your customers)

SEO – Search Engine Optimization:Seo Optimize Keywords Links Signpost Showing Website Marketing Optimization

SEO is how easily your customers can find you on Google or similar internet search engine. The Sparks Solution can help you create an ongoing organic SEO plan, with goals specific to your business.

Hosting ThemeHosting:

Web hosting is a service that allows you to make your website accessible via the internet. The Sparks Solutions provides access to our servers which are located in server farms on both the east and west coasts of the United States. Our hosting solutions are backed up and rarely go down.

Logo Design:logo_MkWM63BO

A new logo, business cards, letterhead and envelopes currently costs around $250. This is a set cost; it doesn’t matter how long you take to choose a design, how many revisions or how many different designs we have to come up with.

The reminderFind that Software:

The Sparks Solution can help you identify software solutions for your company and help you implement them. From installation to training, The Sparks Solution can help throughout the process.


This list isn’t everything The Sparks Solution can do for your business, so if you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can talk through options.

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