A little more about some of our services

Mokono Custom Software, Hosting Solutions, Logo Design, Technology Solutions Leave a Comment

A few of the core services we offer are described below.  We specialize in developing creative, right-sized solutions for your business’ needs based on your style, budget and goals.  Even if you just aren’t sure if its something that The Sparks Solution typically handles, contact us and we can talk through options.  Chances are if its not something we handle directly, we can put you in contact with someone who specializes in what you are looking for or point you in the right direction.
Hosting Packages:
Web hosting is a service that allows you to make your website accessible via the internet. The Sparks Solutions provides access to our servers which are located in server farms on both the east and west coasts of the United States. Our hosting solutions are backed up and rarely go down. You can also start with a small hosting package and as your business grows, your hosting solution from us can grow with you.
Logo Design:
The Sparks Solution can also help you create a new logo for your company.  A new logo, business cards, letterhead and envelopes cost around $250. This is a fixed cost, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, how many revisions or how many different designs we have to come up with. Our customers have worked with us to complete designs in as few as 7 days while others have chosen to spend as long as 6 months tweaking designs.
Find that Software:
Ever just know that there has to be an easier or more automated way of doing something in your office?  Whether its a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, customer invoicing software, a time tracking application or something else entirely, The Sparks Solution can help you identify good software solutions for your company and help you implement them.  From installation to training, The Sparks Solution can help throughout the process.
Website Design:
Website design doesn’t have to be scary and it doesn’t have to break your budget.  We offer scaleable design solutions that will grow and change as your business does.  We include the following considerations in our website designs:

  • UI/UX  design (how easy your customers can use the site)
  • Website Optimization (getting your customers to do something because of their visit to your site – i.e. the call to action)
  • Responsive web design (the site looks and performs well on mobile devices)
  • Professional e-mail addresses (think cjsparks@yahoo.com versus CJSparks@TheSparksSolution.com)
  • Mobile device setup for business email

Social Media Marketing
The Sparks Solution has many solutions available to improve your presence on up to 26 applications including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.  We also have ghost writing services to help you create content and posts when you either don’t have the time or inclination to do it on your own.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization:
SEO is how easily your customers can find you on Google or similar internet search engine.  We let our analytics speak for us on this one. Below are a few current examples of our SEO in action:

  • The Sparks Solution client Dooverz.com with SEO program in place for approximately 2 months (started with no placement):
    • search words “urbandale consignment” – #19 out of 32,000 results
    • search words “urbandale consignment store” – #15 out of 11,000 results
  • Sparks Solution client ElizabethErinDesigns.com with SEO program in place for approximately 6 months (started with no placement):
    • search words “home staging des moines” = #1 out of 61,900 results
    • search words “home staging” = #5 out of 18.6 million
  • The Sparks Solution client Rootedhome.com  with SEO program in place for approximately 1 year (started with no placement):
    • search words”rooted home” – #2 and #3  out of 60.9 million.

As you can see, SEO is not instant ride to #1 for generic words or concepts, but by following an SEO plan, organic (not paid) first page results specific to your business are achievable.  It is also import to note that SEO is not one time and done; it requires ongoing maintenance and tweaking.  While you are making your way to the top of the searches, many of your competitors are doing the same thing, so we have to work at staying relevant.
Again, this list isn’t a complete inventory of everything The Sparks Solution can do for your business, so if you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can talk through options.

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