Retail -> Post COVID-19

Mokono COVID-19, Small Business Leave a Comment

This is just crazy and we are trying not to pull our hair out…

That is all I can say about this crazy retail world post COVID-19 scare that we find ourselves in. The first 3 days we were open, everything was wonderful, and then it all tanked… big time… For the month of April, sales were down 75% compared to the previous April. May was down 50% from the previous May and we are not going to talk about March at all.

Like I explained in my previous post about the PPP, we as business owners make our money on the ‘profits’ of the business, we take a regular salary but it is minimal (like less than minimum wage). It is funny because our personal bills are still due, the mortgage, utilities, insurance, gas, food etc… That silly $1200 that we all sent ourselves didn’t really pay for much of anything.

Everyday is 100% unpredictable right now. Monday’s were our worst sales day prior to COVID-19 and now sometimes they are the best day of the week, while Saturday was always the best day of the week (often times doing 4 times a weekday on Saturday) and now it is the worst day of the week. We had one Saturday that we only did $300 in sales the whole day.. ugh it is frustrating even thinking about that.

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