Whether its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or a social media campaign, sometimes it can be hard to tell when you have the right mix of frequency and content to meet your goals. That’s why its important to start with a baseline of online traffic to your website prior to starting either type of campaign. You have to understand where you are …
MarketMSO – Blog Training
All MarketMSO clients are invited to join team members from The Sparks Solution’s product development team from 6pm – 7pm (CT) Thursday, May 21st for our first live online training class. The first class will demonstrate how to use Market MSO blogging functionality. We will review creating a blog using: Images within the blog Featured images Different fonts and text styles Bullets …
So you want to be a blogger?
Website with blogging functionality…Check. Thousands of ideas to share…Check. Time set aside to write…Check. Now what? Nothing can feel more daunting than sitting down to an empty screen page and thinking “OMG – where do I start?!” Here’s some helpful hints/words of wisdom/hard fought lessons learned to keep in mind as you start your blog. What should your write about? Think …
Successful Social Media Marketing
Beyond the technology or tools, at the heart of successful social media campaign is understanding some of the key content guidelines that can mean the difference between connecting with your customers or missing opportunities: In general, the length, approach and content of social media posts should vary each day Your message should be consistent from post to post – customers should think …
SEO is not a new, but we receive many questions surrounding it when we redesign an existing website or build a new website. Below we have compiled The Sparks Solutions’ most frequently asked SEO questions: What is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is how you make your website findable by search engine users. So when you go to Google and enter search …