The Sparks Solution

SEO Frequently Asked Questions from clients

Mokono Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Technology Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

The Sparks Solution

The Sparks Solution Small Business Technology Solutions

Did you know Google no longer displays more than 1 page of results? Do you know how long ago they made that change?
Ok, so they really didn’t make that change, they still display all 437,521 pages of results for your search, but how many of you were getting ready to check Google to see if that was true? That really proves the point of how important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is and how Google holds the keys to unlocking more traffic for your business.
SEO is not new but more clients seem to be asking for specific SEO work when we talk to them about redesigning or building a new website. They ask questions like:

  1. Can you guarantee me the number one slot?
  2. What searches will we come up on when you are done with the site?
  3. SEO is included in the price of the redesign, right?

I am writing this post to answer some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive, since we get asked this so many times, maybe it will help if we start posting some answers for you all.

I would love if you shared this post with anyone that could use this information and please reach out to The Sparks Solution for a free quote on all of your SEO needs!

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