The Sparks Solution

What has your website done for you lately?

Mokono Hosting Solutions, Website Design Leave a Comment

In today’s digital world, every business needs a website.  Right?
The first question that we ask our new clients is “Why does your business need a website?”  We’ve had to soften that a bit as some thought we were suggesting that their business wasn’t worthy of a website.  In fact, we’re just trying to help them really figure out what they want to get out of their website.  Even the simplest websites should cause your customers to act (i.e. what’s your website’s call to action?).
There’s a big difference between wanting a website that directs traffic to a brick and mortar location (think and wanting a full functioning e-commerce site that incorporates fulfillment and logistics (think  Most websites fall somewhere between those two with varying degrees of functionality. With all of the options available, it is crucial for you as a business owner to really understand the purpose of your website and what you want your customers to do once they get to it.  Having a defined purpose for your website will save your customers confusion and you money.
On top of making sure your customers are able to do what you want them to do when they get to your website, they also have to be able to find your website (see our posts on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Is a bad website really better than no website?
Remember years ago when your friend/family member created a low/no cost website for your business?  While that probably satisfied the need to have the website at the time, as technology has grown, so have customer expectations of websites.  Your initial website may have served the purpose of lending credibility to your business, but are you able to make the most of your internet presence in today’s world with that same website?
Contact The Sparks Solution for assistance in evaluating your current website needs and update options.

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